
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

My Dad is my most favorite person in the whole world. I only wish there were more men like him. He works harder than anyone I know and never with the slightest complaint. Nothing brings him down and his sense of humor and positivity remain intact through even the darkest of times.

From the very beginning, he was so proud of me and made sure that I knew it. His kisses and "I love you, baby"s were always a constant.

On this father's day, he is working in the fields in the sweltering heat. He stopped by the house at lunchtime for a quick drink of koolaid and some aspirin...And a hug from me.

Many years have passed since I was that baby girl, but he is still my favorite. He still makes me laugh like no one else can and is still just as willing to take care of anything I need. I am the luckiest.

Happy Father's Day to all fathers, past, present, and future. You are shaping lives with every move you make. I love you Daddy-o! Now more than ever before.


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