While staying at Cap Cana for our honeymoon, we went on a zipline adventure excursion in Bavaro. The destination took an hour to reach by way of an open safari-style bus, which took us into the city of Punta Cana, then up, down, and around the steepest, windiest mountain roads you can imagine!
We were both SO excited to do it, but the slightest hint of nerves began to set in when we were getting suited and strapped up. One of the instructors said to the group, "Why everyone look so scared? You did not come here to die. You came to have fun!"
We were both SO excited to do it, but the slightest hint of nerves began to set in when we were getting suited and strapped up. One of the instructors said to the group, "Why everyone look so scared? You did not come here to die. You came to have fun!"

You'll have to settle for the poor quality pics. It was raining on this day so we used the underwater disposable.

Seany headed into the platform. Don't judge that picture...It was way up there but the shortest line.

On the last and longest line, 800 meters, (about half a mile?) the view was over the river and waterfalls and it was gorgeous! We were all standing in our line on the platform as the instructors sent each person when their turn came up. I had NO idea what was going on when the guy singled me out from the back of the line and motioned for me to come next.
"Oh, no. It's not my turn yet," I said.
"No, no no..." blah blah blah (enthusiastic and insistent words in his native tongue that I did not understand) and he pulled me up the the platform before I could protest. He used one carabiner to hook up an instructor, then hooked me up right behind him. I was looking at Sean, SO confused, as was everyone else on the platform.
I thought maybe we were going to zipline tandem, if that's possible. But before I knew it the guy who was hooked up flew off the platform and was on his way. And again, before I knew what was going on, the instructor gave me a running start and FLEW me off the edge, just seconds behind the guy in front. I then flew at lightening speed over the longest, most beautiful stretch of land you could imagine. I was going so fast, I could barely move my head to look down. My contacts were pushed all the way to each corner of my eye. The instructor had weighted the line down with the guy in front, making the ride a lightening fast rush for me. It was incredible!

We tried to take a few videos of the ride, but it was quite complicated. Here's one taken by an instructor so you can get an idea of the gorgeous view!
On the first full day we were there, we also took a little mini excursion on our own, venturing to the neighboring public beach "Juanillo Beach" for some kayaking and exploration.
We played in the beach huts...
And played in the palm trees...
It was just so blue lagoon! :)
We took a paddleboat out, but soon gave that up. We traded in our semi for a sports car!
These things flew across that ocean water with little to no effort.
The getaways were so much fun. But it was always nice to get back to our "home" on the resort.
Follow @ktgray13

~The Grays
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