~The fireside is blazing bright...~

I've never looked forward to a break like I have this one. After moving, moving IN, starting my first job, and now starting a second new job, I am going to appreciate a "stay-cation" like never before.
We're still in the process of "everyday" decorating, but I could not neglect to sprinkle a little Christmas spirit around the house.

I have always wanted a train around christmas tree, and dad delivered. He gave us an unopened Lionel train set from a few decades ago to put around our tree. We LOVE it! Watching it ride around and whistle with smoke blowing still hasn't gotten old.

One of mom's paintings:

I found my old Precious Moments nativity to sit on my very first bible.

Dressed in holiday style
In the air there's a feeling of Christmas.
Children laughing, people passing
Meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner you'll hear
Silver bells...~~

The entryway is my little hallway of hope...devoted to my hopes of waking up to a white Christmas.

And may all your Christmases be white~

-Norman Vincent Peale

I know our boys would love a white christmas morning too!

Sean and I agreed to get each other one thing. We both need new digital watches for work and went shopping for them together. But we both ended up secretly slipping extras under the tree, the contents of which neither of us know. That too will be a surprise which is exciting!

At Sean's family Christmas last weekend, his little 5 year old cousin blessed the food with a precious and pure prayer in his little voice:
"Dear God,
Thank you for our food.
And please help all the people who are homeless, to not be homeless anymore.
Please give them a warm home and food to eat and a place to sleep for the wintertime.
Out of the mouths of babes.
I want to enjoy my own Christmas as much as possible, and pray that all others can do the same.
Merry Christmas everyone. God bless you all.

Katie Follow @ktgray13
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