So we didn't wake up to a white Christmas, but we did enjoy flurries throughout the day and it was as eventful and abundant as any holiday you could wish for.
Christmas Eve was spent with Nonnie's family and, as always, consisted of a food table the size of a football field and an itinerary full of events.

{Me and Emry}
Christmas Eve was spent with Nonnie's family and, as always, consisted of a food table the size of a football field and an itinerary full of events.
A puppet show about Jesus was performed and carols were sang.
Santa visited.
Bella was promised a pony. She said she just really wanted a DS. Kids these days:)
We keep waiting for the year our names will be left off, but here's my brother at 20 years old.
And here's me...holding strong at almost 25. The look on Nonnie's face is the only reason I haven't swiped my name out of the bag beforehand. Tis the Season!
The kids played in the funhouse.
Then, we enjoyed our first Christmas morning in our own house.

The dogs watched for their present to ride in on the train.

The dogs watched for their present to ride in on the train.
Christmas Day was spent with the Marconi's at Nonnie's.
{Opening presents}
{Me with my grandma and my stocking money}
Now, purely for your viewing pleasure, I'll include a selection of action photos from the family's time playing the Kinect...coolest thing ever.
{Sean and Tim}
{Phillip and Tim}
{Gabe jumping in on the action}
{Sean, Bella, and Liz}
{Husband-wife team, Jason and Elizabeth}
{Getting a workout!}
{Future newlywed team, Sean and I}
{Mother-son team, Phillip and Aunt Mary}
{The Brothers team, Tim and Jason}
{The little trouble-making cousins}
We had a blast laughing and visiting all day, and finally retreated home at almost 11pm.
And lastly, New Year's Eve was spent with just a few close friends for a fun, relaxed night

From us to you!

Follow @ktgray13
Now, purely for your viewing pleasure, I'll include a selection of action photos from the family's time playing the Kinect...coolest thing ever.
We had a blast laughing and visiting all day, and finally retreated home at almost 11pm.
And lastly, New Year's Eve was spent with just a few close friends for a fun, relaxed night

From us to you!
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