She married Brock McCorkle in December of 2009 in a fairytale winter wedding...

I was sick and couldn't make it to her wedding and she and Brock moved to Texarkana right after. I was too scared to attempt to mail a gift that couldn't exactly be replaced, so she received a very belated wedding gift on graduation day...in August!

She says they love it and I really hope so!
Oh, and by the way. Wedding etiquette says gifts can be given for an entire year after the wedding before they are considered belated...so maybe it's not so bad!
Kimbo, you're one of the sweetest, funniest people I've ever known! I am so glad we could enjoy this crazy ride together and I really hope yall will come visit sometime. Love you!
XOXO, Katie
Awww!!! So I am still sort of emotional feeling from reading the proposal post and so I definitely just teared up when I got to this!! I'm so honored!! :) We really have been through a lot together and I miss seeing you!!! I haven't updated you in the past couple of weeks, but not a single person has come over that hasn't mentioned loving your painting. And I double love it :) Thank you so much again for all of the heart and effort you put into it. And I have already reminded Brock that next time we need somewhere to stay when we're near Memphis we're gonna holla!! :) Love this post and love you!